View A: XBOX 360 to your wireless network
- From the Xbox 360 Dashboard, select My Xbox.
- Select Network Settings.
- Select Configure Network.
- Select Wireless Mode on the Basic Settings tab.
Note:If the Wireless Mode isn't available, there may be a problem with your hardware. Please contact Xbox Support at 1-800-469-9269.
- Select Scan for Networks.
- Select the wireless network you want to join.
- If your wireless network is not displayed:
- Move your Xbox 360 closer to your router to verify your wireless signal strength.
- If you're not broadcasting your wireless home network name (SSID), select Specify Unlisted Network and enter your wireless network name and network security type (WEP, WPA, or WPA2).
- Enter your wireless network security password (encryption key) and select Done.
- Press B on your controller and select Test Xbox Live Connection.
- Select Yes when you are prompted to update the console software.