Monday, August 5, 2013

Changing the Connection Order of Wireless Networks Windows 7

Changing the Connection Order of Wireless Networks  Windows 7

This walk through will show you how to change the connection order of Wireless Connections in Windows 7 using the Start Menu.
Circumstances can arise when your computer has been connected to numerous wireless networks. This can change the connection order of preferred networks in Windows. To ensure you are connecting to your preferred network at a given location, it may be necessary to change the preferred connection order.

Single left click on the Windows Orb or press the Windows Key on your keyboard.
Click on Network.

The Network window is displayed.
Click on Network and Sharing Center

-=-=-=-=Additional Information=-=-=-=-
Depending on how Windows 7 is configured, if you are connected to a network either wired or wirelessly, you could possibly see other computers and network devices that are connected to the network. (Blue boxes)

The Network and Sharing Center is displayed.
Click on the Manage wireless networks option in the list of options to the left

A list of stored wireless network connections is displayed. These are networks that have been successfully connected to by the computer you are working on.
For this example we will use My_Wireless_Network.
The order in which the wireless network connections are displayed is the preferred order that Windows will use to connect to them.
Select the wireless network connection you wish to change the order of by single left clicking on it.
Now click move up in the top menu bar.
You notice that the wireless network you have chosen is moved up by one in the list. Continue this step until the network you want is at the top of the list

Now that your wireless network connection is at the top of the list, notice that you can move it down should you need to by repeating this process but selecting the move down option in the top menu bar.
The next time this computer comes within range of the wireless network connection at the top of the list, it will try to connect to it first.
You can now close this window and connect to your wireless connection if you are not already connected