Monday, August 5, 2013

Deleting a Wireless Network Connection Windows 8

Deleting a Wireless Network Connection Windows 8

This walk through will show you how to connect to a wireless network in Windows 8 from the start menu
From the start menu perform the following steps:
  1. Sweep the mouse from the bottom of the screen to the right edge and then run it up the right edge of the screen.
    -This should be one smooth motion,
    no mouse click is required. This will activate the charms menu.
    Note that you must touch the bottom of the screen as well as the right edge of the screen or the charms menu will not activate
  2. The charms menu will slide out from the right side of the screen
  3. Click Settings in the charms menu
  4. The settings menu will slide out from the right hand side of the screen
  5. Click the Network icon. The icon may look like:
    - A set of signal bars or
    - A computer with an ethernet cable next to it (name of network will vary)

A list of available wireless networks will slide out from the right side of the screen
Right click the wireless network you want to delete
Select Forget this network
All information pertaining to this network has now been DELETED.